We are delighted to bring a new vendor Highlight to our series through our discussion with Kayla Emma's, from Botanical Lucidity, a company that makes amazing herbal medicinal elixirs.
- Hi, Kayla! Where do we find you right now, how has your day unfolded so far?
I am sitting in a waiting room (: My day has unfolded in a fun and busy way so far! I've been busy working on my computer, answering emails, and periodically stepping outside to do some earthing/grounding.
- Let's start at the beginning... What is the origin story of your business? How and why did you start?
I started dreaming up Botanical Lucidity while working at the Wedge Co-op in Minneapolis. I began formulating our elixirs in my kitchen while studying herbalism and gaining tons of knowledge from trainings we received at the co-op. I went to herbalism conferences and self-studied herbalism for years before I began formulating our elixirs. I started Botanical Lucidity because I have always been passionate about the healing arts, and I wanted to create an inviting way for people to get their foot in the door to herbalism and a healing mindset.
- What did you want to do/be as a child?
As a child I wanted to be a dentist for quite some time (not sure why!) and also a singer. I still love to sing - even if I'm bad at it!
- Do you see this childhood dream present in some shape or form today?
Nope! Haha. I took a very different turn in life. Once I discovered the healing arts when I was about 18 years old, it radically transformed the way I look at the world, myself, and humanity. I experienced so many hard things as a child, and once I discovered a path to healing, I have been on it ever since.
- What are the foundational values of your business? What is really important to you?
We value sourcing organic botanicals that support health and wellness. We also value creating elixirs that are vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free. It is important that the people who work for Botanical Lucidity are treated with love and respect. We value working with retailers that are on a similar wavelength as us, with a mission to support good and wellness.
- What is the story behind the name of your business?
Botanical: Relating to plants; a substance obtained from plants.
Lucidity: Clarity of thought, intelligibility, brightness, luminosity.
I named the company Botanical Lucidity because part of our vision is for people to remember their sacred connection to the natural world – which is in essence, to be botanically lucid - and understand medicinal plants: what they do, how they are good for us and how they support our health and well-being.
- What is your favorite of all the products you create, and why?
My favorite is our Cacao Nectar. It is warming (I am a vata-dominant person/cold), so the warming effect feels great. It also has mucuna bean and damiana leaf, which are both medicinal herbs to support an uplifted mood. I find these two herbs to be very supportive of my emotional state, helping me to keep an uplifted and positive attitude.
- What practices bring you joy and inspiration?
Yoga, running, gardening, praying, dancing, connecting with friends, and spending quality time with my daughter.
Thank you, Kayla, for answering our questions? Your elixirs are the best and we deeply appreciate the care and knowledge you bring to your products.
Follow Botanical Lucidity on Instagram and watch this video to learn more.
You can find Botanical Lucidity's delicious products through Jewelweed online shop here.